
Hello,I am Pruthviraj Chavan 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.

 A 43 years old male patient, from West Bengal, driver by occupation,came to the hospital with chief complaints of lower abdominal pain and lower back pain.
He is not able to sleep properly since last 8 months because of this pain.
It is not associated with fever.

Past history
Patient also has severe gastritis problem since last 20 years which he suffers in episodes and is cured when he takes medicines.
He had a habit of having spicy food since childhood.
According to him, his gastritis problem are
because of his occupation ,he has improper eating habits and late night eating timings.

No diabetes
No Hypertension
No asthama
No Tuberculosis

Personal history

Driver by occupation
Normal appetite
Mixed diet.
Experienced weight loss(in last 6 months).
No burning micturition
Occasional drinker
Severe cigarette smoker.

Vital signs

BP- 110/70
Respiratory rate-16
Pulse rate-76
Temperature-98.6 F


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