

Hello,I am Pruthviraj Chavan 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.  A 43 years old male patient, from West Bengal, driver by occupation,came to the hospital with chief complaints of lower abdominal pain and lower back pain. He is not able to sleep properly since last 8 months because of this pain. It is not associated with fever. Past history Patient also has severe gastritis problem since last 20 years which he suffers in episodes and is cured when he takes medicines. He had a habit of having spicy food since childhood. According to him, his gastritis problem are because of his occupation ,he has improper eating habits and late night eating timings. No diabetes No Hypertension No asthama No Tuberculosis Personal history Driver by occupation Normal appetite Mixed diet. Experienced weight loss(in last 6 months). No burning micturition Occasional drinker Severe cigarette smoker. Vital signs BP- 110/70 Respirator
18/07/22 A 38 years old male patient with pain in the right ear . Hello,I am Pruthviraj Chavan 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. A 38 years old male patient from West Bengal, carpenter by occupation came to the hospital with complaints of excessive Right ear discharge since childhood (12 years of age) associated with loss of hearing and pain in the same ear. He was apparently asymptomatic till 12 yrs of age ,then started developing right ear discharge which is intermittent during rainy season. He also tells that he had a habit to clean his ears after swimming with pointed sticks or key or pen refill.He tells that this vigorous cleaning could have caused this injury in his ears. No diabetes No Hypertension No asthama No Tuberculosis Personal history Carpenter by occupation Normal appetite Mixed diet No burning micturition Occasional drinker Do not smoke. Family history No notable family history. General exa

Case 2

45 YEAR OLD MALE WITH SWELLING LEGS. Hello,I am Pruthviraj Chavan 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. A 45 year old male patient, security guard by profession resident of Narketpally came to the hospital with chief complaints of swelling legs associated with fever . History of present illness . Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months ago. Then had swollen foots and shortness of breath since 1 month. Then he felt aching pain in the foot and legs and developed fever so he went to the hospital and got tested and diagnosed as Chronic kidney disorder (CKD) with Maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) and has been taking dialysis since a month.  And came for dialysis to the hospital. Fever is associated. Past history: Hypertension since last 2 years. Underwent renal dialysis 4 times in last month. Last dialysis was done on Saturday Family history Mother had severe joint pain problem. Personal history   Vegitarian diet

Case 1

 5th July,2022 57 years old male with liver abscess Hello,I am Pruthviraj Chavan 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent A 57 years old male patient,from Guntapally farmer by occupation came to the hospital with chief complaints of severe stomach pain. Admitted on Wednesday 29th june. History of present illness Initially patient had chest pain and then progressively stomach pain started. Pain is felt in right hypochondrium region. Past history      Snake bite on right lower limb at ankle joint            region.      Normal blood pressure      Normal sugar       No Tb  Personal history .        Decreased appetite        digestion problem        loss of weight        normal bowels and normal micturition        alcoholic regularly        smoking. General examination        Conscious coherent cooperative        normally built        No pallor        No icterus        No cyanosis. Vital signs Blood pressure- Respirat