Case 1

 5th July,2022

57 years old male with liver abscess

Hello,I am Pruthviraj Chavan 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent

A 57 years old male patient,from Guntapally farmer by occupation came to the hospital with chief complaints of severe stomach pain.

Admitted on Wednesday 29th june.

History of present illness

Initially patient had chest pain and then progressively stomach pain started.

Pain is felt in right hypochondrium region.

Past history

     Snake bite on right lower limb at ankle joint            region.

     Normal blood pressure

     Normal sugar 

     No Tb 

Personal history.

       Decreased appetite

       digestion problem

       loss of weight

       normal bowels and normal micturition

       alcoholic regularly


General examination

       Conscious coherent cooperative

       normally built

       No pallor

       No icterus

       No cyanosis.

Vital signs

Blood pressure-

Respiratory rate-15/min


Pulse rate-82/min


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