A 38 years old male patient with pain in the right ear.

Hello,I am Pruthviraj Chavan 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.

A 38 years old male patient from West Bengal, carpenter by occupation came to the hospital with complaints of excessive Right ear discharge since childhood (12 years of age) associated with loss of hearing and pain in the same ear.
He was apparently asymptomatic till 12 yrs of age ,then started developing right ear discharge which is intermittent during rainy season.
He also tells that he had a habit to clean his ears after swimming with pointed sticks or key or pen refill.He tells that this vigorous cleaning could have caused this injury in his ears.

No diabetes
No Hypertension
No asthama
No Tuberculosis

Personal history
Carpenter by occupation
Normal appetite
Mixed diet
No burning micturition
Occasional drinker
Do not smoke.

Family history
No notable family history.

General examination
       Conscious coherent cooperative
       Normally built.
       No pallor.
       No icterus.
       No cyanosis.
       No oedema.
       No clubbing of fingers.
       No lymphadenopathy
Vital signs
Blood pressure-130/80
Respiratory rate-16/ min
Temperature-99 F
Pulse rate-78 / min.
SpO2 - 98%.


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