Case 2


Hello,I am Pruthviraj Chavan 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.

A 45 year old male patient, security guard by profession resident of Narketpally came to the hospital with chief complaints of swelling legs associated with fever .

History of present illness.

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months ago. Then had swollen foots and shortness of breath since 1 month. Then he felt aching pain in the foot and legs and developed fever so he went to the hospital and got tested and diagnosed as Chronic kidney disorder (CKD) with Maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) and has been taking dialysis since a month. 

And came for dialysis to the hospital.

Fever is associated.

Past history:

Hypertension since last 2 years.

Underwent renal dialysis 4 times in last month.

Last dialysis was done on Saturday

Family history

Mother had severe joint pain problem.

Personal history 

Vegitarian diet

 Increased appetite

 Normal digestion 

normal bowel movements

 no burning micturition

Occasional drinker

BP since 2 years

 no Tb 

no diabetes 

No asthama.

General examination.

Conscious and coherent 

moderately built 

no pallor 

no icterus

 no cyanosis 

No clubbing of fingers

 pitting type of edema (grade 1)

Vital sign : 

Temperature:98.6 F

Pulse rate :99/min 

Respiratory rate-16/min 

BP : 110/70 

SpO2: 95%




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